Thursday, March 19, 2009

This is a picture of my newly custom motorcycle.
I changed this picture by adding a black back layer.
then I changed the picture to black and white.
Then I removed the edges of the picture to give it a burn western poster look.
Then I inserted three pictures of the bike in smaller size using the lasso tool, and a good eraser.
After inserting I changed the color contrast to each one. Which one is original?
Then I added the test WANTED to add a more western poster feel.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Here I am Sking at Rock Port,
The changes I made as you can see is I added three other pictures of me sking, by using the clone stamp, and also the lasso.
Then I changed the color contrast to make the Purple's really stand out.
Then I enhanced the color green on the ski's and the wake.
I then removed the color contrast on me, making myself stay in perfect original color.
Then Just becasue I am in the air I added the word Flight to add a little flare.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009